Saturday, May 3, 2008

today - reminder

Just wanted to make sure everyone around New York knows that I'm hosting a wee wake of sorts (though we're not Catholic) for the Mama today. It's an open house sort of deal, so just come when you're able, any time after 1pm. Feel free to bring food, drink, hugs, stories and photos - we'll have a bit of all that here already but can always use more.

My address:
59 East 3rd Street #5D, between 1st and 2nd Aves. Nearest subways: 6 train at Bleecker, F train at 2nd Avenue.

Also. We've been getting a lot of questions about donations in lieu of flowers, and whether or not Mom had a charity or organization in mind. We've not decided yet, as she didn't tell us anything specific, but we're thinking that something in the arena of the theater would be obviously appropriate. If anyone has ideas they'd like to contribute as we make that decision, they'd be most welcome.

Thanks guys. Hope to see some of you later. Much love.


Dale said...

I feel a strong need for giving and receiving hugs and love. I will have to be on the late side tonight — hope after 6 is OK—and will bring some sustenance and support and warm feelings . . .

Unknown said...

I'm there!

Just found this online. A wonderful accomplishment for a phenomenal woman.

csn said...

Many of us have repeatedly offered and very much wanted to help Janet and her children in any way we could. Jennifer has been to New York 3 times since Janet became ill and Clancy has been there a couple of times also. We all know how expensive airline tickets are. Yesterday I was able to provide Clancy with one ticket so he could fly to NYC for Janet's Memorial. I know he's buying tickets for Sara, his wife, and their two children. Jennifer will also be buying tickets for her family. What better way to help than make sure the children are all together to honor their mother. I can't think of anything that would please Janet more. Love to each of you.

erm said...

See you today...I'll be on a bus to NY in about an hour.

Also, DONATIONS - the Beckett Project is a 501 3c not for profit organiztion, I think, and she loved that work and of course, Blue Roses Productions Inc. is definitely a 501 3 C and we could do a new work reading each year as The Janet Ward Memorial reading in support of the development of new plays, which she so believed in and supported as a company member.

Some ideas....
See you later,


erm said...

I also think that her family should be here. That would be my first suggestion. Second would be the other ideas I already offered.


Steven Patterson said...

Thanks for hosting things, Sarah. Man, my first wake (that I can recall). What a phenomenal gathering of diverse folks. Who but your mom could have provided the common denominator to bring all these folks together? Whew.


Sarah, I have never had so much fun at a wake...very appropriate for your ma.