Tuesday, May 6, 2008

san francisco memorial

The lovely Alison Tassie has scored the Exit Theatre as a venue for us to hold a memorial in San Francisco this coming Sunday (yes, Mother's Day, whee) at 5:00 in the evening. The Exit is at 156 Eddy St between Mason and Taylor. Do me a favor and post a quick comment if you're planning to attend, and please pardon the double-inviting if you also get an email from Alison or me; I'm trying to find all the west coast folks who might want to gather in mom's honor. As for what we'll do, I think it will be some combination of reading her poems and sharing stories. There will be some sort of food and drink, too.

The St. James event on the 20th will be quite a different affair; some of you know that she had very specific wishes for her memorial service, involving mainly poems and music (including, in a last embarrassing-mom move, two that I wrote for her in my early twenties) and recordings of music that she loved. However, they don't so much allow recorded music at St. James, and they have certain prayers they like to say and verses they like to read. So the service in New York will be quite a bit churchier than we were originally planning, but we think it will be good to gather everyone together and send her off with a bit of pomp and hereafter. She wants us all to go to Jimmy's Corner, as well, but we don't think she realized that "all of us" is likely to amount to more than the 40 people that can fit in Jimmy's Corner, so we will have a little reception in the church basement first so that we can accommodate everyone. Diehards will meet at Jimmy's Corner later.

Edited to add: the Exit invite is here. It's open, and I'm sure I forgot people, so feel free to send it to others you think would like to be there.


Kerry said...

I wish I could be at the Exit memorial, as I saw some fine Janet Ward performances there. (Her Gertrude Stein comes to mind just now.)

My love and warm wishes to everyone in Janet's family and her large extended "family" of friends and creative partners. What a woman. What a life. What a loss.


Gemma Whelan said...

I replied to the invite but also letting you know that I will be there. Am so glad Sarah can come too.
Much love,

Peaches said...


I'm so excited that I will get to see you again (although I wish it was under better circumstances). I'm looking forward to sharing memories of Janet.

Malachy Walsh said...

Wish I could be there, but I"m out of town visiting my mother-in-law for the M Day.

My best wishes to you.

Also, I have a transcript of an interview I did with Janet for a play about America that I'd like to pass on to you.

Where could I email it?

Just email me your address - malachy14@yahoo.com