Monday, March 31, 2008

music as medicine

So yesterday was a great day.  Alan Ferber, Tim Albright and Dave Smith (big fans of Mom's and great musicians, all of  'em) came to Mom's apartment to play some music for her.  She loved it.  Clancy, Sarah, Casper and Ida were there, along with Mom's friend Alison Tassie, me, and her neighbor, Jennifer Cooper.  That's a lot of bodies in 250 square feet, but we made it work.  It was really great to hear the music.  I sang a few tunes with the guys too, which was fun.  

She's had a few exhausting days - there have been lots of grandkids around (which she swears is medicine to her, and I believe it), and just a lot of commotion, so she's pretty wiped out today, but in good spirits.  She's 100% focused on this appointment with Pietanza Wednesday, and the only prep for that is REST.  Clancy and Sarah are here to help out, which is good, and our Dad will be here tomorrow for a few days as well. She's still a big fan of the Whole Foods gatorade, went through multiple bottles yesterday, so that's good.  I can definitely see the sparkle in her eyes.  She was a little pale while everyone was there, but once she had some breathing room later on, her color started to come back.  I think as a general rule, we have to go easy on the visitors - not too many all at once, and not anyone for very long.  She is a social butterfly so will NEVER say "hey I really need to rest - can you get the hell out please?" so everyone who visits (or calls for that matter), please just keep her limited energy and social butterfly ways in mind, and plan to monitor yourself and the amount of time you're there.  That said, it's really really wonderful to see how many people love and adore her and want to come by and give her a squeeze, call and check in on her.  Keep it comin, but just please try to be cognizant of her need for rest too.  Thanks!


jecaly said...

Okay, that's just fantastic. Also on the visiting topic--everyone please remember to wash your hands as the first thing when you enter the apartment! There is hand sanitizer right by the door, too, if you prefer. A cold could be serious business for her, these days.

Sarah said...

oh yes! forgot to add that. thanks jenn

Constance said...

You women are so great. You will never regret a day that you were there taking care of your mom. I am glad to hear she is experiencing the things she loves, music, grandchldren, children and friends. I will be there soon but have groked all the rules: clean hands, short visit, upbeat and loving. Well, I'm not exactly an upbeat person but I can allow Janet who always is. Can't wait to see you all.

Unknown said...

I have been thinking about the nausea and electrolytes etc. I am glad the Whole Food Gatoraid is working. Just in case you need it I am posting a home-made electrolyte 'recipe'. Also, if she isn't able to keep anything down and you get worried... 1 tablespoon of fluid every 5 minutes is tedious but can also work (= not thrown up).

If Janet would like a little Beckett read to her I would be happy to bring a few of us together for some SHORT (don't want to tax her energy) reading, etc.

Homemade electrolyte solution:
Mix 1/2 teapoon of salt with 1 quart (32 ounces) of water. Add 8 teaspoons of sugar. You then have to give a source of potassium (banana, carrot, orange slices). Puree it or you could make it smoothie-esque etc.

Huge love to you all.

Some alternatives to the above recipe:
1/2 tsp salt, 1 quart of water, 8 teaspoons of sugar, 1/4 cup of orange juice and one banana - mix in a blender.
Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt to a liter bottle of gingerale. Bite the juice out of an orange or eat a banana for potassium.
Make a chicken or vegetable broth with 1/3 salt to each quart of water (some of the water will be lost to evaporation). Include high potassium vegetables like potatoes and carrots in the soup.

polly said...

By the picture, i can see it was a good time. keep those fluids up! lots of love coming your way. polly

Unknown said...


Gemma Whelan said...

What a fantastic picture!
Music, Love, Children, Grandchildren.
Please give her a kiss and hug from me in California. I'll give a 'short' call again soon - maybe after the Wednesday appointment.
Much love always.