Sunday, March 2, 2008

my tidbits

I was en route to a haircut when we had this conference call so my notes are limited as well. But I saw Mom yesterday, looked through some of her notes/pamphlets, and found out that the drug they're nixing from the cocktail is Avastin. Apparently that drug could potentially affect her hearing; hearing on the right side has been a bit wonky already due to the neck pains so...that's a no go. They are taking good care of her.

Her pain was actually much better yesterday - actual periods of sitting up without pain. My friend Leslie is in town (used to live in New York, LOVES Mom) and we hung out with Mom all afternoon, gave her a pedicure and changed her sheets. That was all in the midst of many many phone calls, each of which Mom thoroughly dug. She's really loving all of the human contact these days, so don't be afraid to call her.

Her spirits are in really good shape too, I have to say. She's very zen about this whole thing - really wanting to fight it but also accepting that this is the situation a social worker I met with last week put it, "the new normal." Clancy tomorrow - yay!


Elizabeth Hipwell said...

I'm glad to hear it's okay to call now. You all have been on my mind and in my prayers. Luv ya! Lizzie

Gemma Whelan said...

Fabulous news about the pain!
Hang in there and wonderful that Clancy rolls in tomorrow.
Lots of love as usual to Mama Poet!

Leslie said...

I loved every second there with you, Janet!! Such a treat! I heard you shopped at Amish happy for you :)
