The news is bad today. Her breathing trouble stems from a few thinga: a blood clot in her right lung, fluid around her heart, and the stent in her trachea appears to have moved. A CT scan today revealed that her entire right lung is basically collapsed (that's the one that they had given up on). Dr. P describes her situation as "tenuous." I'm writing this in between packing to head out with Oona on a redeye tonight. She can't walk more than a few steps without getting utterly winded, and was unable to breathe today even with a full oxygen mask on. They're going to do everything they can for her, and all the above problems are, to some extent, treatable, but the scary part is that she doesn't have much strength right now for healing. Please send whatever good juice you've got.
Oh, and here's a photo of her "in happier times," with Clancy and Ida, mere days ago.
love love love.
Loving and sending prayers for each of you. Janet, I missed our "weekend chat". We'll catch up soon when you're feeling better. Until then, I'll be thinking about you every moment and praying for no pain and much gain! Loving you dear hero!
Jennifer, so glad you'll be there, have a safe flight. Sarah & you both, please call if you need anything. Love you all and just wish I were there with you.
My heart is with you Janet. Sending you peaceful healing thoughts. I love you so much and love hearing your beautiful voice reciting your poetry...Love to your children and grandchildren who are as you always say "RockStars."
sending a never-ending flow of good 'juice', thoughts, poetry, words, energy, strength, hope, to ALL of you.
Janet you are tremendous and are doing it.
All my love and whatever you need.
xoxo Eva
Janet, Sarah, Jennifer and Clancy -
I was thinking of all of you on my way back to Colorado - and so wished that I didn't have to leave today. I know that Janet is under the best care and surrounded by love. Sending all of you a giant hug, and all my good energies to use for healing.
Love you all and with you in spirit.
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